About my Work

The projects shown here are were completed for FreeCodeCamp. To see my other work, please visit my main portfolio site at janmilosh.com. Visit GitHub to see even more.


pomodoro clock project

Time your work and break sessions with this pomodoro clock. Click on the circle to start and stop. The session and break times can be adjusted on the fly.

4-function calculator project

This is a simple 4-function calculator built with Vue.js.

twitchtv api project

See which of the supplied twitch.tv channels are streaming and find out about the streams. Click on a given channel and go to that channel on Twitch.

Wikipedia viewer

Click to visit a random Wikipedia article, or search for a specific topic and get a list of results that link to the pages.

See your local weather

See your local weather. Click the buttons in the lower left corner to select either Fahrenheit or Celcius.

Random quote machine

Click the button and see a new inspirational quote. Share it on Twitter.

Dwight Schrute tribute page

This tribute page honors Dwight Schrute, beloved paper salesman at Dunder Mifflen in Scranton, Pennsylvania.